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Laptop Terbaik untuk Para Gamer

Di share yang pertama, tentang android terbaik, saya membagi info mengenai tablet android terbaik versi cnet dan sekarang saya akan berbagi info untuk para gamer mania yang mau cari laptop yang cocok buat nge-game. nie saya kasih referensinya, laptop terbaik buat para gamer versi pcword nie. Dijamin deh bikin betah nge-game nya,. Tapi yang berkantong tipis kayak saya cuma bisa gigit jari, . Ok langsung saja...cekidot..

1. Sony VAIO Z-Series VPCZ137GX
Sony VPCZ137GX mudah dibawa, ergonomi, dan kinerja yang sulit dikalahkan. Ini tidak cukup sebagai cahaya atau sekecil rata-rata ultraportable, tetapi ia menawarkan display, 13.1-inch 1600-by-900-pixel, ergonomi besar, dan onboard DVD burner. Di sisi lain, itu lebih kecil dan lebih ringan dari 14 satau laptop 15 inci. Dan akhirnya, itu tampak bagus dan luar biasa. CPU 2.53GHz lebih cepat sangat kompeten Intel Core i5 460M. Sony juga menyediakan 4GB DDR3 1066MHz memori sistem dan discrete Nvidia GeForce GT 330M GPU dengan 1GB memori video.



Display size 13.1 inches
Maximum resolution 1600 x 900


Processor class Intel Core i5
Processor model 460M
Processor speed 2530 MHz
Number of Cores 2
Cache size 3 MB


Graphics Type Switchable
Integrated Graphics Chipset Intel
Integrated Graphics Chipset Model Number GMA HD
Discreet Graphics Chipset Nvidia GeForce
Discreet Graphics Chipset Model Number 330M GT


Installed memory 4 GB
Memory technology DDR3
Memory Speed 1333 MHz


Hard Drive Type Solid-State Drive
Total HD Size 256GB
Other Storage SD/MMC Card
Express Card Express Card 34

Optical Drives

Optical Drive Loading Type Tray


Ethernet Type 10/100/1000 Mbps
Wifi Type 802.11 n/b/g

Interface Connections

Number of USB 2 Ports 3
Video Interfaces HDMI
Additional Interfaces Bluetooth


Weight (min) 3.1 pounds
Weight (with accessories) 3.8 lbs
Width 11.4 inches
Depth 8.3 inches
Height 1.3 inches


Operating system Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Included Software ArcSoft Magic-i Visual Effects 2, WebCam Companion 3;

Other Features

Built-In Speakers Stereo
Docking Station Port No
Devices Built-In Microphone
Built-In Webcam
Fingerprint Reader
Input devices Keyboard (backlit)
Touchpad (multitouch)

2. HP Envy 17
Envy 17 sebagai diuji oleh PC World dengan CPU Intel Core i7-720QM clocking in di 1.6GHz, dengan meningkatkan frekuensi puncak turbo 2.8GHz. 720QM adalah CPU quad-core sejati dengan Hyperthreading, sehingga mendukung delapan benang perangkat lunak simultan. Meningkatkan kinerja grafis adalah AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5850 dengan 1GB RAM video, mobile tercepat Radeon GPU singkat unit high-end yang ditemukan di lebih berat, laptop khusus game. Pembulatan keluar spesifikasi adalah 8GB DDR3-1066 memori. Harga sistem - dikonfigurasi seperti yang kita diuji, dengan drive Blu-ray dan upgrade RAM 8GB.



Display size 17.3 inches
Maximum resolution 1920 x 1080


Processor class Intel Core i7
Processor model 720QM
Processor speed 1600 MHz
Number of Cores 4
Cache size 6 MB


Graphics Type Discrete
Discreet Graphics Chipset ATI Radeon
Discreet Graphics Chipset Model Number HD 5850


Installed memory and Maximum memory 8 GB
Memory technology DDR3
Memory Speed 1333 MHz


Hard Drive Type Hard Disk Drive
Total HD Size 540 GB
Hard Drive Speed 7200 RPM
Number of hard drives included 2
Other Storage Memory Stick

Optical Drives

Optical Drive Loading Type BD-ROM
Optical Drive Loading Type Slot


Ethernet Type 10/100/1000 Mbps
Wifi Type 802.11 n/b/g

Interface Connections

Number of USB 2 Ports 3
Video Interfaces HDMI
Mini DisplayPort
Additional Interfaces Bluetooth


Weight (min) 7.9 pounds
Weight (with accessories) 9.5 lbs
Width 16.4 inches
Depth 10.8 inches
Height 2.3 inches


Operating system Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Included Software Corel: PaintShop Photo Pro X3, VideoStudio Pro X3; Hulu; Roxio CinemaNow; Microsoft Works; HP QuickWeb

Other Features

Built-In Speakers Stereo
Docking Station Port No
Devices Built-In Microphone
Built-In Webcam
Carrying Case/Cover
Energy Star compliant Yes
Input devices Keyboard (backlit)

3. AVADirect Clevo X8100 Core i7 Gaming Notebook
Intel mobile Core i7-820QM quad-core prosesor menghasilkan kinerja yang sangat baik, pengiriman yang mengesankan memberikan tanda 120 di WorldBench 6. Seperti yang diharapkan dengan sistem seperti itu berdaging, meskipun, hidup baterai adalah 1 jam kurang, 26 menit. DVD upscaling kurang dari memuaskan. DVD Serenity, yang menawarkan kualitas gambar yang sangat baik, dan melihat peningkatan tepi substansial saat bermain film di PowerDVD. Gambar upscaled juga muncul sedikit lembut.



Display size 18.4 inches
Maximum resolution 1920 x 1080


Processor class Intel Core i7-820QM
Processor speed 1730 MHz


Graphics Memory 1024 MB


Installed memory 4 GB


Number of hard drives included 2
Total HD Size 896 GB
Other Storage Express Card 34
Memory Stick
Memory Stick PRO
MultiMedia Card (MMC)


Ethernet Type 10/100/1000 Mbps
Wireless Ethernet - 540 Mbps IEEE802.11n
Modem Type Not Include

Interface Connections

Additional Interfaces Bluetooth
Audio - Headphone Out (1/8" Mini)
Audio - Headphone Out (1/8" Mini)
Ethernet - RJ45
FireWire 400/IEEE 1394 - 4 pin
USB - Universal Serial Bus Port (x3)


Weight (min) 12.4 pounds
Weight (with accessories) 15 lbs
Width 17.3 inches
Depth 11.8 inches
Height 2.8 inches


Operating system Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Included Software CyberLink DVD Suite; BisonCam; Acronis TrueImage

Other Features

Built-In Speakers Stereo
Docking Station Port No
Devices Built-In Microphone
Built-In Webcam
Carrying Case/Cover
Fingerprint Reader
Energy Star compliant Yes
Input devices Touchpad (multitouch)

4. Alienware M11x (second revision)
M11x Alienware merupakan sistem yang bisa dikatakan "anugrah" untuk para gamer: di sini adalah laptop ultraportable dengan "otot" cukup untuk bermain game terbaru pada kualitas dan tingkat kinerja yang baik  dan tanpa khawatir tentang baterai. Baru-baru ini, Alienware memperbarui M11x dengan hardware internal baru, bertukar keluar Core ultra-rendah-tegangan 2 Duo chip untuk Intel Core i7 ULV i5 dan chip, dan menambahkan grafis Optimus nVidia otomatis switching teknologi.



Display size 11.6 inches
Maximum resolution 1366 x 768


Processor class Intel Core i7
Processor model U640
Processor speed 1200 MHz


Graphics Type Switchable
Integrated Graphics Chipset Intel
Integrated Graphics Chipset Model Number HP
Discreet Graphics Chipset Nvidia GeForce
Discreet Graphics Chipset Model Number GT 335M


Installed memory 4 GB


Hard Drive Type Hard Disk Drive
Total HD Size 500 GB
Hard Drive Speed 7200 RPM
Number of hard drives included 1
Other Storage SD/MMC Card
Express Card Memory Stick


Ethernet Type 10/100 Mbps
Wifi Type 802.11 n

Interface Connections

Number of USB 2 Ports 3
Video Interfaces HDMI
Number of Firewire Ports 1


Weight (min) 4.6 pounds
Weight (with accessories) 5.7 lbs
Width 11.2 inches
Depth 9.2 inches
Height 1.3 inches


Operating system Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Included Software Adobe Reader 9; CyberLink YouCam

Other Features

Built-In Speakers Stereo
Docking Station Port No
Devices Built-In Microphone
Built-In Webcam
Energy Star compliant Yes
Input devices Keyboard (backlit)

5. MSI GT660
GT660 MSI, dengan GPU nVidia kuat dan terlihat kuat, yang ditujukan pada gamer, tetapi juga sebuah laptop pengganti desktop yang sangat kompeten. Lihatlah masa lalu styling sedikit over-the-top, dan anda akan menemukan performa yang hebat, perangkat input yang luar biasa. Satu-satunya downside adalah bahwa 1366-by-768, layar 16-inch tidak mendukung resolusi penuh 1080p HD playback.



Display size 16 inches
Maximum resolution 1366 x 768


Processor class Intel Core i7
Processor model Q740
Processor speed 1730 MHz
Number of Cores 4
Cache size 6 MB


Graphics Type Discrete
Graphics Memory 1024 MB
Discreet Graphics Chipset Nvidia GeForce
Discreet Graphics Chipset Model Number GTX 285M


Installed memory 6 GB
Memory technology DDR3
Memory Speed 1333 MHz


Hard Drive Type Hard Disk Drive
Total HD Size 1000 GB
Hard Drive Speed 7200 RPM
Number of hard drives included 2
Other Storage SD/MMC Card
Memory Stick
xD-Picture Card
Express Card Express Card 54

Optical Drives

Optical Drive Loading Type Tray


Ethernet Type 10/100/1000 Mbps

Interface Connections

Number of USB 2 Ports 2
Video Interfaces HDMI
Additional Interfaces Bluetooth


Weight (min) 7.7 pounds
Weight (with accessories) 9.7 lbs
Width 15.5 inches
Depth 10.5 inches
Height 2.1 inches


Operating system Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Included Software Adobe Reader 9; ArcSoft: Connect, Magic-i Visual Effects 2, Print Creations, WebCam Companion 3: InterVideo WinDVD; WinRAR

Other Features

Built-In Speakers Stereo
Docking Station Port No
Devices Built-In Microphone
Built-In Webcam
Energy Star compliant Yes
Input devices Keyboard (backlit)
Touchpad (multitouch)

Nah demikian 5 review laptop terbaik yang tentunya buat para gamer. Semoga referensi ini ada manfaatnya, amin...

sumber :


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  2. Nice Info Jangan Lupa Kunjungi


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